Anthony and Sheilah Juma have been with IGM since August 2003. Anthony was born again in 1998 and has been trained and discipled by Rev. Maungo. Anthony is the assistant director of Baptist Faith Missions Fellowship of East Africa and is the pastor of Huruma Baptist Church. They are engaged in training Huruma Baptist Church brethren for the work of the ministry, proclaiming the Gospel to over 600 children in the Huruma Christian School, and reaching areas of East Africa that have not been reached with the Gospel for the extension of the Kingdom of Christ. Their goal is to mature the Huruma Baptist Church into “a caring community” committed to providing an environment where children, young people, and adults can meet Christ and grow in their faith and be prepared for the work of the ministry.
- Anthony Juma, Kenya — Blessings September 20, 2019
- Anthony Juma, Kenya — Update on Huruma July 15, 2019
- Anthony Juma, Kenya — Lodwar Trip April 18, 2019
- Anthony Juma, Kenya — Happy New Year! January 15, 2019