About Us

Who We Are

International Gospel Missions is a Baptist mission organization founded in 1968 by Dr. Henry Campbell and Dr. David Bovard. Their vision was to support and equip the national pastor who is already vested in their country by language and culture so that “Together we can reach the world for Christ”. These nationals have a passion for their people to hear the Gospel, be discipled, and continue to pass the baton. It becomes a discipleship chain in which the body of Christ equips the body of Christ. From its humble beginnings, the mission has grown over its many years of history to partner with over 140 national pastors, church planters, missionaries, and helps personnel in 25 countries around the world.
After David Bovard’s unexpected home-going in 2000, Dr. Gary Newhart took over the mission. He and his wife, Nancy, served faithfully for 22 years. They poured their heart and soul into the mission for the Name of Jesus. Under Dr. Newhart’s leadership, IGM tripled in the number of pastors that were supported around the world, and the outreach to orphans multiplied significantly. He traveled, trained, called, wrote, and was simply but steadfastly available to our partners and their families.
The mission headquarters moved from Sharon, PA to Rochester, NY in 2002, and into its own facility in 2006 located at 990 Calkins Road in the town of Henrietta, NY. The name was changed from Independent Gospel Missions to International Gospel Missions: A Baptist Mission Agency, when incorporated in the state of New York in 2014.
The Lordship of Jesus Christ is pre-eminent, and He has provided an incredible staff working tirelessly along with our volunteers who fill vital roles in serving the donors, international pastors, and missionaries around the world.  The Mission Council oversees the integrity and the spiritual framework of the Mission. Field coordinators and representatives have been assigned to regions of the world to provide an additional layer of accountability and encouragement for pastors and missionaries.
IGM’s pastors and missionaries are strongly impacting the world for the cause of Christ. They are planting churches, sowing the seeds of the gospel, souls are trusting in the Lord Jesus as savior. Those confessing Christ are being baptized. Hospitals and clinics are being built. Wells are being dug and drilled. Discipleship training is happening. Christian schools are educating children. Orphans are being fed physically and spiritually. Bible schools are springing up through local churches. All of this is being done for the glory of God and in His Name as we “Together reach the world for Christ.”
What We Do
  • Facilitating the transmission of financial aid from supporters to national pastors for projects such as building churches, buying land, purchasing transportation, and encouraging community outreaches (such as feeding the poor, promoting evangelical campaigns, supporting sports programs, sponsoring medical clinics, and building wells)
  • Creating connections and relationships between individuals, churches, and businesses here in the US with the National pastors and their ministries
  • Meeting urgent emergency needs of the Nationals and their ministries such as food, house and vehicle repairs, health concerns, etc.
  • Supporting national pastors so that they can provide care for the needs of their families and needy children in their congregations.
  • Shipping Christian resources such as VBS materials, Sunday School curriculum, craft supplies, Bibles, and Christian books either by mail or digitally to these pastors so they can better serve their congregations and ministries.
  • Assisting in school and college expenses of both students and young people seeking to go to grade school, high school, college, and Bible school, so as to pass the baton to the next generation.
  • Bringing national pastors to the United States twice a year so they can partner with local churches and share in their ministries.
  • Sending out prayer letters, orphan updates, social media feeds, and IGM newsletters
  • Encourage moral support, growth, and collaboration by conducting prayer meetings, Bible studies, and training opportunities.

990 Calkins Road, Rochester, NY, 14623



Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Copyright © 2024 International Gospel Missions: A Baptist Mission Agency All Rights Reserved.