2 Timothy 2:2

“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”

Jambo-hello. Trust that this finds you well in the Lord. In our last prayer letter, we shared about the Men’s Bible study.  The Lord is doing a great work.  The number has increased to over 120. Four men have received the Lord as their Savior. One of them has expressed the desire to be baptized. Now he is in the catechism class and, Lord willing, he will be baptized in January with 26 other people. He is one of those who were affected by the floods. The Lord provided funds to help his family and others. As a result, he gave his life to the Lord. Attending the Men’s Bible study also played a part. Please pray for him and others that they will grow in their faith. Thank you for praying for those who are not saved. Please continue praying as there are still more who need the Lord. Praise the Lord that now we are able to go to one of our feeding centers where we had no access as the bridge was washed away by the floods and the road was bad. Praise the Lord that Christine, our Bible college student, graduated on July 5th and got married on August 17th to Pastor Peter and now they are serving the Lord together. Please pray for Jessica, Cynthia, and Blessing who are graduating from high school this November.

For the last six years, Paul has been overseeing over 100 churches. Lord willing, on November 24th, he will be changing ministry. He will hand over to another pastor whom he has been training. Lord willing, we will continue serving among the churches concentrating on holding seminars for the pastors and their wives, teaching in the Men’s Bible study, discipling the new believers,  reaching the lost, feeding centers, and hosting Mission teams. We would appreciate prayers during this time of transition.

FAMILY: We are doing well by the grace of our Lord. We thank Him for good health, safety, protection, and His provision. Thank you very much for your continued prayer and financial support.  May the Lord bless you.


Serving Together,

Paul and Leah

Email pnlmanyara@gmail.com