Dear Praying Partners,


As I reflect on this Father’s Day, I am so blessed to have been raised by such a Godly father, who served over 40 years in West Africa, sharing the Good News and ministering in Church Planting.  His Godly example has impacted my life in so many ways. However, Dad’s Godly influence has given me a heart for missions, and I have been involved with IGM going on my 35th year. God is so good🥰 My prayer is that each of you fathers out there has had a blessed day with your families this Father’s Day!!!

These past few months have been very busy for me. My travels have included visiting churches in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and Georgia.  It truly has been a blessing visiting new churches and visiting with some of our monthly supporters.

Our many ministries in Ivory Coast and Burkina continue to flourish due to your faithfulness in keeping these ministries before the Throne of Grace and your generous acts of love through giving.  We are currently involved in the construction stage of three churches in Ivory Coast. The walls are up, the roofs are on, and we are finishing up putting in the doors, windows, and floors in these buildings. Our prayer is that we will finish all three of these by the end of summer. We are in need of $5000 to complete these three buildings.

In addition, the clinic that Kouame is building outside of Abidjan is almost at its completion as well. This clinic will greatly aid the physical needs in this village area. These people will be able to get the medical help they need through the ministry of our church that is being built there. What an exciting way to reach the village people by tending to their medical needs and giving them the spiritual truth at the same time. God is soo good!!!!

We have just recently purchased another property to build a fourth church that is running 100 members even at this time. The need for that building will cost us $18,000 and we are asking you to pray with us that God will provide. These are truly exciting days!

Also, in the month of July we will be holding our second annual Bible Camp for our Orphan Children in Ivory Coast. Last year we were expecting only 30 children and had over 60 Orphan children attend. We house them, feed them, and teach them God’s Word for the whole week. Out of these 60 some children, 37 of them gave their hearts to Christ!! Praise God!!! This year we are expecting over 75 Orphans and are asking you to pray with us that God will provide the $3500.00 to put this camp together and pay for all their meals and lodging. We are trusting Him for great things this week🥰

We are also drilling wells in areas where we are building our churches to provide water for those communities at no cost to them.  We have recently completed two wells. These wells provide clean drinking water which is so valued and so needed. They also provide us the opportunity to use these wells as a tool to give out not only the physical water, but the spiritual water as well!!!! As women and children line up to wait their time to fill up their containers, we are able to present the salvation message to them and are having a great response. One well costs around $10,500 to drill and put in the water tower. Please prayerfully consider helping drill one of these much-needed wells. We can sincerely use three more of these drilled wells.

Finally in closing, continue to pray for healing for Denise. She continues to struggle with her lupus and the new normal she deals with. I am asking for a personal need for her. We are in need of $18,000 to purchase a vehicle that is more wheelchair friendly. Our current vehicle is 14 years old with many miles and it is very difficult to transport her and her wheelchair in it. We are in need of a newer vehicle that will make it easier to transport her wheelchair. We use it for her doctor visits, store use, and any other times that we go places together. We need something easier for her to get in and out of, as well as easier to transport her wheelchair. Please consider helping us with this personal need.

We appreciate all your prayers and support in helping us make a difference in West Africa.


With Much Love,

Jim for the Arnolds


Prayer Needs:

A need of $18,000 to purchase a vehicle that is more wheelchair friendly and easier for Denise to get in and out of. Our current vehicle is over 14 years old and very difficult for her.

Pray for the final $5000 to finish the construction of the 3 churches we are currently building.

We need 3 wells with a cost of $10,000 each. This includes the drilling and the water tower.

Pray for the $3500 needed for our 2nd annual weeklong orphan camp planned in July.

Pray for protection as our pastors share the Gospel in times of violence and terrorists activities. Our churches are under attack in Burkina Faso!!