JUNE 2024


“O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works. Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord” Psalm 105:1-3.

The Lord continues to protect me on the roads. I will not have opportunities to preach in several churches as planned; but He is opening doors to meet some new people who are interested in our ministry in Togo. I am so thankful to the Lord for my hostess.


The school year is coming to an end in Togo. The school year will end in July. Our school started with one year of kindergarten with grades one to three with a total of 133. The second year, we had 2 years of kindergarten and grades 4 and 5. This year, we added grade six. This means that our school covered 1 & 2 kindergarten and 1st through 6th grade of primary. Our pupils of 6th grade had to go for the first time for their official exams which will start next week. There was an examination which got together four schools to test the children of 6th grade. We praised the Lord that our school got the 1st and 2nd position. We have 18 pupils in the 6th grade, 15 passed and 3 did not. This result was encouraging. But please, pray with us for this final exam of the year and which will be the 1st one for our school, that our 18 kids come out with good positions, for we are expecting to have 100% for our school. The total of this year is 306 children including seven of our orphans. We had to refuse to register many of the children because of the lack of places in our classrooms. Please, pray with us that the Lord may provide for a large space for the school which is another tool the Lord is using to reach souls with the Gospel. Because in our school, we have prayer and Bible study time; and we have kids with different religious backgrounds among which are Muslims, Catholics, animists, etc.… I believe parents are bringing their children because we are teaching basic English and computer lessons.

We have been providing food, especially rice, for the kids in the school and in the church sometimes.

Some of the parents asked us to build a high school for their kids this coming academic year 2024-2025, but we had to tell them that we cannot afford it because we do not have resources for that unless the Lord provides in a miraculous way for that. Till this day, we have been using the church for 2 classrooms. Pray for the teachers.

Temple Shalom has 6 women who are pregnant. This is the first time in church history that we have this number of women pregnant in the church. We thanked the Lord for 2 delivered already. Pray also for one of the ladies who is desperately looking for a baby.

Awana activities are going on every Saturday afternoon and drawing many kids. Pray for the leaders and salvation of these kids.

Our Timothy Team continues doing its program; visiting the sick in their house and in hospital; spending time in prayers and door-to-door evangelism.

The youth are planning a camp activity in a few weeks, from 27th July to 2nd August.

We have 12 candidates going through the new class for the next baptism.

The other churches together with their pastors’ families are doing well. All the churches continue their meetings on Sundays and during the week.

Please, continue praying for spiritual and numerical growth of the churches.

We are planning to start another church activity in Kpalime. The Lord had provided for the land already, but we are still doing the paper work. We need money to come up with a shed to start. We have two other churches in this area.

Continue praying for the rest of my days in the States. Especially for the needs and the projects for the ministry. Here they are: 2 church concrete buildings, one in Ateda-Kara, the second one in Sokode, a Muslim town where we have one another church; school lots and classrooms; the continuation of the main church in Kara; 2 motorcycles.

We know that without you standing with us by God’s grace, we cannot continue doing what we are doing now. We want to say a big sincere thanks to each one of you. Asking the blessings of the Lord upon your life.


In the Service of the King of Kings,

Pastor Paul & Nicole ASSIGNON