
Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ, our soon coming King.

Our family is doing great by the grace of God. We thank God for fellow laborers like you who have stayed with us over the many years.   We are reminded by Paul that we are co-laborers together but God gives the increase.  We are also encouraged to stay faithful knowing that labor in the Lord is not in vain.

We are very thankful for the ministry of the Word, especially in these last days. The Scriptures are being fulfilled right before eyes.  Our faith in the Lord is growing stronger.  Let us keep praying for one another as we see the coming of the Lord is very near.

We are currently serving along with our son, but we are praying about a new ministry and we covet your prayers in this regard.  The area is just above from where my wife’s mother originated.  This means we may be ministering to some my wife’s relatives in the future.  We will be starting some prayer and fasting for the vision and ministry. We will keep you posted as things develop with that vision.

I have not lost the vision of starting a new ministry. WE are praying about that vision.  WE covet your prayers as it relates to the vision of a new ministry.  We really    to be in the will of the Lord.  We know that He will work  things out for His glory,

We have been focusing on the building of the upper floor of the house of God. We are working and hoping and praying that God will provide the necessary funds to finish the roof and install the windows and doors. Then the finishing up with tiling, painting and plumbing.   We will need $10,000 US  in order to complete the building.  We are asking that you will join us in praying that God will open up some doors to enables us to achieve that gold for His glory.


Standing in the Gap,

The Georges