Dear Prayer/Support Partners,

Greetings to you all from Kenya. Hope that this update will find you well and sound physically and spiritually. I’m very much delighted to thank you all for your diligent and continued love and care of supporting me, family and the ministry at large prayer wise and financially. I want to thank our Almighty God and Father due to His love and mercies to me and my family. He has ever been faithful to us(family) by protecting, guiding and providing us with all our issues. We(family) thank God very much for our health and the continued healing of our son Duncan due to the kidney transplant.

Brethren, since my last news letter, God has enabled the ministry to move on well. Janury was a very busy month due to being the beginning of the year 2023. However we had successful Church events such as leader’s trainings for our Church and sister Churches. In February we had other activities including Sunday school teachers training and sending relief food staff to the needy people in the drought areas. The month of March was another busy one due to the planning of the coming of our IGM director and brother Russ his wife mama Joyce to East Africa and particularly Kenya Mombasa. We thank God for His mercies and goodness to these two dear brothers and mama for their safety wherever they visited. We had a great time with them wherever we visited the ministries and the projects. More blessings were because of the good times of fellowshiping together and getting to know them and they knowing us. We were successful to take them around seeing the ministries God has enabled us to do for Him. It was our great joy and glory to God to witness the safe journey from the States to East Africa and back to the States. Our sister Church which we planted some year back had 15 converts who needed baptism and I had to go and baptize them in the Indian ocean on the 19th March. Due to the great work God is doing through us as His servants, surely we glorify God as we praise His Mighty Name.

I want to thank you very much for your continued support in prayers and funds. Your support is always playing a big role towards the success of the ministry. May God bless you abundantly as He sees you through in whatever you do. Continue praying for us in Kenya because in some parts of the country, hunger is still a big problem.

We highly thank God and glorify His Name for how He has been meeting the needs of His people.

God knows what we are going through and we are thankful that He can take the hardest circumstances and turn them around for our good and His glory.

May God bless you for your faithfulness for your prayers, funds and inspiration. Believing God to do great things through our partnership.



  1. For Gods’ love, care and faithfulness to us.
  2. For good health despite of the difficulties of health issues of here and there.
  3. For Gods’ continued provision.
  4. For God’s continued healing of our son Duncan.



  1. For continued faith and trust in the Lord.
  2. For financial provision for me, family and travel/ministry of about $600.00 monthly.
  3. For funds to complete our Church building.
  4. For a ministry vehicle for my travels to different places in ministering.

Once again I say thank so very much for your love and support to me, family and ministry at large. May God continue blessing and enabling

you in whatever you do in life.
