Greetings in the Name above all names, the Name of our wonderful Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.
I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate you all for your prayers and financial support. You have been constantly praying for the work of the Lord here in Kenya, East Africa. Truly, we have seen God’s grace and providence towards us. Through God’s grace, my family has been protected. Our son, Jahdiel Ngala, who has been battling with psychosis is doing well. He still goes to the psychiatric clinic every three months but otherwise, he is doing well in school. He is now in senior school 3 (Form 3) [11th grade in the U.S.].
Voice of Hope Baptist Church is doing well. We thank God for His grace. We have an open-air evangelistic campaign July 8th – 10th, 2022. We are seeking your humble prayers towards this and the financial support we need $150 USD (15,000 KES) for the facilitation of this evangelism. Our dear friends and prayer partners, pray that God’s favor will be with us as we keep praying to be able to reach more with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
1) Praise our God for the health of my family. Jahdiel is now stable.
2) Praise God for stability of the church.
Urgent Prayer Requests:
1) My son, Jahdiel Ngala’s, tuition fees USD $250 (25,000 KES)
2) Open-air evangelistic campaign facilitation, USD $150 (15,000 KES)
May God bless you.
Yours in Ministry,
Franklin Chome Ngala
National Church Planter
Kenya, East Africa