Greetings to all praying and supporting friends,
“For I determine not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2). We count it joy to partner with you and with IGM in reaching the lost.
As you are aware, this ministry of FIBC was co-founded by Pastor John O’Malley and Pastor Milton Williams, who answered the call and leading of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Williams has since gone on to be with the Lord.
IGM has supported this ministry for many years through the annual VBS and street meetings ministry led by Brother Kerry and Sister Terri Psinus, of which many of you may have been a part. Brother Kerri has also gone on to be with the Lord, but his contributions to our ministry here in Grenada will forever be remembered and cherished. We continue to pray for our dear Sister Terri whom we love very much.
Being a new pastor, and having lost the two stalwarts, whom I thought would have been there to guide me along, I am grateful to God for placing fundamental men of God such as Pastor Casimir Thomas and Pastor Garnet Samuels to provide much needed support and directions. Furthermore, I thank God for the prayers and support of the IGM family, who welcomed me, my family and First Independent Baptist Church.
Over the past months, we have had some very dynamic services, including out-door meetings every last Sunday evening. We had several young people giving their heart to the Lord during youth ministry meetings, and we have seen the growth of our members as we continue to diligently study God’s word.
With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, we have had to readjust in keeping with the protocols. As we begin to get a better grasp of technology, we are able to host our services online as it becomes necessary. Our services are presently held on zoom at 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Sundays (Sunday Worship Services); 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays (Bible Study and Prayer); 7:00 p.m. on Thursdays (Ladies); 7:00 p.m. on Fridays (Youth); 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays (Bible Club) ( Meeting ID: 798 6716 2793 Passcode: FBCHURCH)
We continue to engage in outreach ministries to the Father Malighan Home for abused boys and distribution of food hampers and other support to needy families, widows and elderlies within the church and community.
Prayer Requests and Future Plans
- Families of the church will grow closer to God and increase in faithfulness
- More active men in the work of the Lord
- One member who is hospitalized at the moment due to Covid-19
- Children, youth, ladies and outreach ministries
Salvation of the young people who attend youth ministry meetings and serious commitments on those already saved.
- The pastor and leadership of the FIBC that they will serve according to God’s will
- Transportation – there is a need for a bus ministry for church services
- SEM Print shop
The church owns a print shop which has been in operation for over 30 years. Unfortunately, it is presently not operational. We are praying for its reactivation and for volunteers to spear head its operations until it can become self-sustainable again.
- Purchasing of Property
For many years, the entrance to the church, including the church yard, has been obstructed with used and derelict vehicles from a nearby garage. A neighboring property owner has evacuated out of frustration and offered his property to the church at a reduced cost of US65,000.00. Should we acquire that property, it will give us some autonomy to address the situation. If it is God’s will, our long term plan for that new piece of land, which also has a small dwelling house, will be
- A camp site and retreat /conference Center.
- Office of SEM print shop
- Day Care and Pre-Primary School
Thank you for your prayerful support as we do the same for you.
“Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord”.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Anderson Gibson