SOS Call for Pastor Vaye’s Car


I hope everyone is doing well this Christmas season. Thanks to all of you who continue to keep our chatroom live with active discussions. While there have been challenges in bringing everyone together, we pray and hope that in the New Year, we will organize better and move the organization forward.

As you all may be aware, this association was established to unite all Calvary Baptist Church members in the diaspora, especially in north America, and to find ways and means to reach out to our mother church in Liberia.

For the past two years, I have taken my vacation to Liberia, and while there, I worship with the church. Indeed, the folks are doing well with the ministries. Last year, I took some teachers from the New York school district, and we did a one-day teacher’s training for the teachers. Work at the new church continues with the plastering of the upstairs main edifice. Worship services are being held in the downstairs of the edifice.

While I was in Monrovia last August, my heart burned. Due to the prevailing economic situation in the country, many church members are not working, and that has affected tithes and offerings. As the result, the church is not able to get Pastor Vaye a new car. The Toyota Sequoia (2002 model) he bought here in 2015 at a dealership, with the help of my wife, Akuba, has completely outlived its usefulness. The engine has been overhauled twice and can no longer be worked on. A good used engine in Liberia will cost more than USD $3,000.

The small red car he’s using got flooded and now is in the garage for a gear box change. When I came back, things have gotten worse. I am laying this down before you all (as an SOS CALL) to see how we can all rally and get him a used jeep from here.

Can we put heads together to see if we can do something for our pastor? Maybe wherever you are, something cheaper (Toyota jeep V8) and better can do. I am starting with a contribution of $1,000. Please feel free to contact me (cell: 646-703-7560, email: if you have the desire. You can also share with those you know from Calvary. If the Lord burdens you to help with this need, please send your gift to: International Gospel Missions, 990 Calkins Rd. Rochester, NY  14623 or go online to: Please designate your gift for Vaye Vehicle.

For the love of Christ,

John A. Kaska