The Thanksgiving holiday calls us to reflect and celebrate God’s goodness. Knowledge of where we are coming from, where we are today, and where we anticipate going is in the hands of our sovereign God who allows us the freedom of choice. Yes, we have a part to play that makes us responsible for the choices we make and the resulting consequences. But isn’t it wonderful to know that we have the Word of God to guide us? We can make corrections where we have erred in the past. We also make better choices because we allow the Word of God to guide us. So, this Thanksgiving, as we thank the Lord for everything else, let us not forget to thank Him for His Word which He uses to order our steps.



As we reflect on giving thanks, my wife and I are thankful to God for the opportunities He has given us to be involved in sharing the gospel worldwide. So far this year, we have been involved in training nationals and others to share the Gospel through VBS, and Sunday School, and using personal testimony as a tool in witnessing. We have also shipped Bible teaching and training resources to ministries in need and secured funds to help churches in hurricane relief efforts in the Caribbean.

2024 has also afforded my wife and me the privilege of helping to get some support for eight national pastors from India, the Caribbean, and Africa. This included two national church planters from India and the Caribbean whom we housed and transported to churches while here in Florida. We did this to help them get the support needed for their ministries. We truly embrace our vision of partnering with US churches and filling the gospel supply chain to get essential Gospel resources to workers in the gospel ministry. We are helping national pastors and church planters create more opportunities to reach and harvest lost people in their nation. Thanks to all the individuals and churches who bought into the vision of being in the gospel supply chain to reach the world for Christ through the ministry of national.



I want to thank the Lord for using unscheduled events to accomplish His purpose. In January of 1985, the Lord called me to the ministry through a series of events that are forever etched in my memory. Since then, I tried to find the missionary who preached the night I surrendered to the Lord for ministry. Fast-forward to October 2024: the Lord allowed an outbreak of the COVID virus in one church we were scheduled to visit, diverting us to another church. This was where I surprisingly ran into this faithful senior servant of God: Pastor Ken Cloud, from Georgia. What A joy it was for both of us to meet again after thirty-nine (39) years!



Pray for:

  1. Funds to cover my upcoming mission trips to the islands of Grenada in January 2025, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines in February 2025.
  2. Cuba initiative – We at IGM are exploring the vision to reach more lost people in that nation through national church planters.
  3. That the Lord opens the doors for me to get opportunities to visit churches in Florida and advocate support for four new national pastors until June 2025.
  4. Our national pastors and their churches in Haiti that are undergoing extremely tough times in their lives and ministry.


Please join our family as we celebrate with our second daughter, Kehroni, who just completed her course of study in Jamaica. It was a joy to go back and celebrate this milestone with her.

In closing, my wife and I want to thank the Lord and all of you who supported us prayerfully and financially throughout 2024. Our ministry would not have been possible without your partnership.

God’s blessings be on you this Thanksgiving.


Yours in His Service,

Rev. Leroy E. Thompson