To our Wonderful Inner Circle Family:

Greetings in the precious, unconditional love of our Lord Jesus!

In 2 Peter 3:18, the Apostle says, “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen.” This verse brings to our attention three significant aspects to our personal walk with the Lord. The first two involve personal growth and the last everlasting results. We are admonished to grow in grace.  What is this? It might enlarge our understanding in light of Ephesians 2:8, “For by grace are ye saved. . . “ defined as God’s riches at Christ’s expense as it relates to our salvation. Grace can also relate to thankfulness or gratitude. You and I are to be a demonstration of His grace because of what He has done on our behalf.  Also, it is demonstrated through our attitude towards others. Remember God isn’t so interested in our problems as He is towards our response to them. We are not only to grow in grace but also in knowledge. Notice the verse is rather pointed about what this knowledge is to consist of — our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ — and learning how we see the things around us through our biblical grid that spins its web as we study, pray and engage others. —2 Timothy 2:15  God’s ultimate desire is that we would bring glory both now and forever to Him!

Nancy and I are enjoying our lives together serving the Lord Jesus and His choice servants through IGM. It has been a blessing this summer having our entire family visit us, friends that have stopped in to spend a few nights, and Pastor Paul Assignon, Wilson Maungo, Kouami Midekor, Koffi Wodome family and Roger Fetou.

We are looking forward to Anthony Juma and Rao Jutike coming in for the Fall. There is always a myriad of things to do in preparation for presenting their ministries in a good manner. Please be in prayer for the Fall meetings.

What keeps us going is the goodness and faithfulness of our Lord and Savior working through our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit. When the Lord began working in our life, to make a change, it became evident that our Lord was directing the next steps of our journey. My precious bride of 62 years and I learned much through two church plants (1st in 4 yrs.|2nd 28.5 yrs.) and Executive Director of a Mission for 24 years that had no funds to support us made Proverbs 3:5-6 a reality. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” We continue to listen and seek His direction and often ask how much longer can we be affective for His Glory.

Thank you for your faithful prayer and/or financial support. You are an encouragement to us in our service for our Lord. May our Heavenly Father bless you as you continue to serve Him!

Yours for His Glory


Gary and Nancy Newhart

Your Missionaries




For His sustaining grace, protection, health, and strength for both of us.

July 3-7, we celebrated 4th of July with all our family, Steve, Faith, Steven, Zachary, Megan and Dillan, Jonathan and Rachel, Mia and Luke, Jennifer, and Aubrey and 5 dogs.  Wonderful time together!

Nancy’s high blood pressure is currently under control.

Wilson Maungo returned to Kenya safe after being in the US for 3 months and Paul Assignon returned to Togo safe after being in the US for 4 months.

Linda has joined the IGM office team part-time in August, after many years of experience working in a Christian ministry.


For continued health and strength to serve IGM as Acting Executive Director.

Gary’s spot in the kidney was checked by ultra-sound July 9 and we found out the results on July 19. The spot had grown from to 2.2 centimeters to 2.4 centimeters.  It will be checked again November 19.  Please pray!

Nancy’s is still challenged with knee problems and other health issues. She helps nationals get ready for obtaining their visa and preparations for when they visit the USA on tour.

For all of our Missionaries and National Church Planters around the world as they face all kinds of situations.  Persecution of Christians, Haiti is still suffering with violence and chaos, flooding,  typhoons, etc.

Search for a IGM Executive Director and other staff members, especially someone to book meetings.

Plans for Fall team tours.  Leadership Development Program September 10-14, and team travel September 18-October 20, 2024.  Anthony Juma, Kenya, arriving August 22nd and Rao Jutike, India, arriving September 9th will be the two on tour this Fall.

Quarterly Council Meeting—September 16 at IGM Headquarters.