Isaiah 25:1 “O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.”

The Lord has allowed me to be in the States since March 29th. I have visited 11 churches and there are two more to visit before I leave next Friday, August 16th. Among these churches are the five who have been supporting us on a monthly basis, plus some individuals.

I met new people and among them are some who are interested in what the Lord is doing in Togo. I had the opportunity to sleep in different homes where I was welcomed. Once again, I want to thank my hosts and all who continue praying for us.

I communicated with Nicole almost every day, and several asked about her. And wanted to see her next time the Lord opens us a way to visit the States in the future. She is doing much better. When I was leaving, we heard about a white guy therapist from Europe who has opened a clinic in Lome, the capital. She is doing much better, but she will be going back for the second time when I get back. Thank you so much for praying.

As some of you know, the school year 2023-2204 ended in Togo last month. Our children from our school did well for their first time participating in the national final examination to enter high school. In Togo, there are writing tests you need to pass before going to a high level. We had 18 in the 6th grade who took the tests and 17 passed. It was a good result and among them one received the seventh highest score among the more than 1,000 children in the region of Kara. We rejoiced and were very thankful to the Lord. I had a message that several parents have been calling to bring their children to our school. Unfortunately, we do not have room for all. We shared this urgent need in the churches. We continue praying that the Lord may touch hearts.

We have 8 teachers in the school from kindergarten to 6th grade. The government is asking to have another teacher who is there only to teach English. We found one already which will make 9 teachers this academic year 2024-2025.

The teachers had a good time with the children of 6th grade last month before they went to summer break.

Before I left, some parents approached asking if we could continue our classes to a higher level. The school has been a great tool to share the Gospel. We have every kind of child in the school: Muslims, Catholics, animists, etc. We have Bible studies every day. The children memorize Bible verses and then these children go home and share these verses with their parents. Please, continue lifting us up before the Throne.

There will not be a rest for me when I get Togo, by His grace, next Saturday the 17th. I will be travelling the next day, Sunday the 18th, for about 8 hours by public transportation to Kara. We are having a training class for the schoolteachers from that evening to Saturday the 24th. I will drive to Lome on the 27th to meet with some pastors on Saturday the 31st. I will rest for a few days before driving back to Kara.

The youth camp this year went well. We were just limited to Shalom church youths. We have a baptismal ceremony coming up next month in Shalom. These candidates went through a class, and they will answer some questions before getting baptized.

We have 3 of the orphans living with us in our home. Please, pray that we find sponsors for all of our orphans.

As I have mentioned before, I will be in Togo next Saturday the 17th. Please, continue praying for a safe journey and for the needs of the ministry.

We are so thankful to the Lord for His leading and for the churches and for all of you the Lord brought on our way. MAY HIS NAME BE PRAISED FOREVER!


In the Service of KING of Kings,

Paul & Nicole ASSIGNON



Cement block construction for 2 churches and the continuation of Temple Shalom

P.S. We can move a part of the school classes to Temple Shalom if the Lord provides for the continuation of the Temple and in case we do not have funds for the land and for the school building. We do have some promises but they are not yet confirmed.