Dear Praying Partners,


I just want to give you a quick update on the Arnolds!! With the summer days almost behind us, my focus is on the fall tour coming up. I am so excited that we will have a National Pastor from Ivory Coast visiting here Stateside, from the end of September through the beginning of November. We again, will be traveling around promoting his ministries and all that God is doing in Ivory Coast in our many supporting churches. Our project we will be raising funds for this fall is constructing a church building for their congregation. We are looking forward to seeing some of you during that time. More to come on our schedule as we get closer to those dates.


In addition, our 2nd annual orphan week of camp in Bouake, Ivory Coast. went off without a hitch. We had over 50 orphan children bussed in for the week-long camp. We fed them, housed them, had craft time, sporting events, and poured the Word of God into them. During the week. we had 30 of these children give their hearts to Christ!!!! WOW, what a successful week!!! We are already beginning plans for the camp next summer. Thank you for your prayers during that week. Lives were truly changed forHis Kingdom.


In closing, I want to again share the need for a more wheelchair-friendly vehicle to transport Denise around to her many doctor appts. Her doctor visits are two hours out of town over the mountains. As you know, Denise’s life has changed drastically due to her illness and her new norm of life requires a wheelchair. We have found a vehicle which has the wheelchair lift and is a 2018 with lower miles and has some of the bells on it to adjust her seat, making it more comfortable for her to sit for longer hours of travel. Her legs are very problematic for her and are very painful when bent in a sitting position for any period of time. We have had one individual donate $3000 and our church gave $2500. We have $5500 total towards the cost of the vehicle, with $13,000 remaining. Please, prayerfully consider helping us with this need. I truly wouldn’t ask for your help if it wasn’t such a vital need to help with Denise’s everyday struggles. I want to thank you in advance for any help you can give us to accomplish this!! Every little bit will go a long ways in accomplishing this hurdle.


Again, we thank you for your prayers and support in helping us reach Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso for Christ.


With Much Love,

Jim for the Arnolds




Pray that the visa applications will be approved for our Ivory Coast pastors coming Stateside.

Pray that the $13,000 remaining on the vehicle purchase for Denise will come in.

Pray for the protection of our Christians from the many terrorist attacks in our African countries.

Pray for safety in my many travels in helping bring an awareness of our ministries.

Pray for a complete healing for Denise. I believe in miracles and am asking God for one on her behalf😉