Dear Faithful Prayer Partners and Financial Supporters,

“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” John 4: 35-36.

Family and Ministry News

In the month of May, Elisabeth had a surgical procedure to remove a cervical polyp that had been bothering her for a while. We thank God that the procedure went well and that she had time to heal before our last travel to New York State.

The last stretch of our travel took us to Rochester in New York where we visited 3 churches in the area and set up three wall AC units and cleaned up some rocking chairs. Samuel also has helped in the IGM office where he loved to take trash out and shred papers at our mission headquarters (International Gospel Missions). After our last meeting in Massena, we came back to Winton-Salem where we were sent out by our sending church. We left W.S. on Saturday, May 8, in the morning and are staying with our son, Joshua, and his family in Florida as planned. Thank you for your prayers.

Our granddaughter, Eli-Grace, was born three weeks ago and she and mama Natti are doing well.  So, we are spending some family time together with them before flying back to Togo at the end of June. We are so excited and can’t wait to go back to continue our ministry in Togo. As you all know, our building project was continuing but has come to a stopping point.

During our furlough, we were able to send funds that were used to pour the concrete, do the plastering of the ceiling, and the inside and outside wall. The window frames were put in but the metal door that Koffi ordered has not been delivered yet. All over the world it has been raining heavily and Togo also is affected. We will continue building when the rainy season is over and give you more updates when we are back to Togo. Thank you to Calvary Baptist Church of Norwich and LSBC for their donation toward our tickets.

Thank you for all your encouragement, prayers, and cheerful and generous giving that make this possible. After this project, we will move on to build the other two churches.


Praises and Prayer Requests

Praise God for funds raised for our building project.

Praise God for His protection during our travels.

Praise God for Elisabeth’s surgery that went well.

Praise God for family.

Please pray for the Lord’s leading in our lives and ministry.

Please pray for a safe return home.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.


Koffi, Elisabeth, and Samuel WODOME

Together we reach Togo for Christ