December 2022/ January 2023

Christmas & New Year Wishes With Thanks

Christmas is a hope filled time for the Christian community across our world. The commemoration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ gives joy to those who focus on the reason for His coming to earth as a baby. I can just imagine the joy that filled the hearts of the shepherds after receiving the news from the angels, and all who came to see the Christ-child after His birth.  That joy may be like the joy that fills the heart of a believer when such comes to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and is born again. For me, even now, remembering that day in the summer of 1978 when I gave my heart to the Lord, fills me with joy. Praise the Lord! This is what it is about, the joy of seeing more people redeemed by our Savior before it is too late. This is the Joy of Christmas that we celebrate.

So, this Christmas, my family and I want to say thanks to you for standing with us in what we deemed was a transitional year in our lives and ministry. We entered 2022 trusting God to lead us since we did not yet know the new ministry assignment He had for us. Even in such uncertainty, we depended on His grace and committed to walk by faith as we had done throughout most of our lives. What an exciting year and journey we had! It truly pays to follow the Lord by faith, staying true to commitments made and putting His business first. We can say, we have not only experienced the assurance of His presence but also His guiding hand as we went through every door, He opened to us.

As we come to the end of 2022, and anticipate His continued guiding hand in 2023, we once more commit to trust our Savor’s leading and live by faith. Our new position as International Gospel Missions Coordinators to the Caribbean and the Underserved requires your continued partnership of prayer and financial support as we make a greater push to world evangelism. We are convinced that the Lord has prepared us for this position to build strategic partnerships between believers and ministries in the worldwide body of Christ. The aim is one and the same, a commitment to fulfill the great commission given by Jesus our Savor in Matthew 28:19-20. As outlined in our November/December newsletter I stand to serve as one who will fill the supply line, strengthening the hand and impact of national pastors and church planters in dire need of such support. For this effort we ask that you keep my family and IGM in your prayer and commit to go with us as we transition into 2023.

On behalf of my wife Flo, along with the team at IGM, I want to wish you our supporters, family and friends, a Merry Christmas of joy and peace, and a New Year filled with the hope of Jesus’ second coming.

Yours in His service,

Rev. Leroy E. Thompson




Easter Hope                                            April 2023

“Just longing dear Lord, for you,

Jesus, beloved and true;

Yearning and wondering when,

You’ll be coming back again, …


Some glad day, all longing past,

You will come for me at last;

Then I’ll see you, hear your voice,

Be with you, with you rejoice;

How this sweet hope thrills me through,

Sets me longing, dear Lord, for you.”



This beautiful poem expresses the hope that true believers have for Jesus’ return. Easter speaks to us through its megaphone of this hope. Jesus died, was buried, resurrected, and ascended to Heaven with the promise of returning to take us with Him; this is our hope. Our duty now is to “Occupy till He comes,” Luke 19:13. I seek to do this duty on the team with International Gospel Missions. I promote the partnering of churches and individuals in Florida with approved nationals to help fulfill the Great Commission. The sole aim is to advance the Gospel’s effort and give the hope of eternal life to the lost as Jesus ordered us.


New Role

I started in my role as Missions Field Coordinator to the Caribbean and underserved in January 2023. Although I should focus on raising my support, I felt compelled to start advocating for the support of other under-resourced national pastors and church planters. Having come from their ranks, I know how essential support is to effectively fulfill the vision God has given them. Besides all this, we know the time is short, and the day of our Lord’s coming is at hand. As a result, your gifts will aid in our work among cultures and economies that are unlike that of the United States. This is why I now ask for prayer and support in this time of deputation.





On the Road 

Deputation is challenging but a necessary activity. As I make the effort to visit churches, I keep in the forefront of my mind the purpose for which the Lord has called me to this assignment. It is the vision of supplying the essentials of ministry to under-resourced nationals who faithfully engage in the Gospel ministry but lack support. As Field Coordinator, I am required to raise my support so I can give the time needed to this work among our brethren. This is why I am on the road. Additionally, IGM wants all supporters to know that the mission will provide the accountability needed to ensure that neither U.S. churches nor national ministers are in any disrepute.


Summer Offensive

Pray for me and the team at IGM as we have already begun our summer offensive against the Kingdom of Darkness. So far, we have gathered essential supplies of VBS resources, Sunday School materials, and Bibles from US churches. These materials will be shipped to one Caribbean field in time for VBS in the summer. We also organized a Zoom VBS workshop through a partnering U.S. church. This workshop is to help prepare nationals who will receive these supplies in the field. We are rejoicing at the prospect of children and youth who will be saved and discipled through this endeavor. Pray for this undertaking because we plan to expand this effort to other fields in 2024. We hope other churches in Florida and throughout the US will come on board with us as we fill the supply line among nationals needing resources. Thanks for partnering with me and the ministry of IGM to national pastors and church planters.

Yours Truly,

Rev. Leroy E. Thompson

IGM Missions Field Coordinator to

the Caribbean and Underserved.