I greet you all in the Name of Jesus.
I give all the glory to our Lord for all the spiritual and financial support that our partners bring to us. I am infinitely grateful to them. A special thanks to Director Gary Newhart and Pastor James Arnold for their unwavering support.
The work is moving forward, thanks to God. Our different families are also doing well.
I just took a trip to Guitry. I used the trip to finalize the purchase of two pieces of land for the construction of a church building which should cost at least $10,000. I bless the Name of the Lord very much for the steps which have been taken already. Obtaining the documents for the land will happen very soon.
At the local church in Guitry, we had the opportunity to baptize three sisters and two brothers.
The funds we have already received should allow us to build the courtyard at the church in Toumodi and to replace some of our equipment that has become obsolete.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for the growth of the church in Bouake which coordinates all of the activities of the different mission fields.
- Pray for the pastors, their wives, their children, and their needs (food, health, shelter, motorcycle for transportation, and a building in which to meet).
- Pray for the widows and orphans in our churches and in areas where wars are reducing the weakest to begging.
- Pray for our plans to open a Bible Institute in Bouake, for a new roof for the church in that area, for a vehicle capable of traveling through the countryside, and for evangelistic campaigns.
Please pray for understanding, brotherhood, and love between IGM partners all over the world.
Brother N’Dri Koffi Emmanuel
Cote d’Ivoire