Hello dear partners in Christ
We are very happy to know that you never stop praying for us in these difficult times of Corona virus. So far our government has not yet opened places of worship. Despite our closed places of worship, we did not give up. We continue to preach the gospel just as the Bible recommend. We did, while respecting the barrier measures of the cells in the houses. This has helped the members of our assemblies enormously. A few people gave their lives to Jesus Christ during these difficult times, including a witch doctor who burns these fetishes. Here are some photos
* Please pray for the persecution of the Muslims who gave their lives to Jesus Christ in the Bassar-NorthTogo region.
* Funds to build in Dimori.
* Funds for literacy materials and reading of the local language (N’tcham Bassar) of Muslims who gave their lives to Jesus Christ but who can not read either French or English (500 dollars)
* Funds for the purchase of Bible in local language (N’tcham Bassar) for reading and meditation of the association of these Muslim backgrounds (1000 dollars).