Dear Prayer Partners and Supporters,
Greetings in the precious’ name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Once again, “Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;” (1 Thess. 1:3).
Beritah and I are doing well! Physically, Beritah continues with her routine and trips to the doctors for check-ups to make sure that her body is running well. Spiritually, we both are growing together in our relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! We continue to minister to the loving folks at Tabernacle Baptist Church.
Folks at Tabernacle Baptist Church are doing well. Since the month of April, we have not had an opportunity to meet together for public worship due to church lock-down. We are hoping that churches in Kenya will reopen soon. I have been teaching and preaching to our congregation via social media.
By God’s grace, our church has expanded the church’s land to create enough room for additional facilities thereon. These facilities shall provide shelters for our Sunday school kids, and teenager’s bibles studies, and men bible studies. We are hoping that the LORD will provide funds to enable us put up a building for the said purposes.
Thank you so much for partnering together with us in the ministry. Together, we are reaching the world for Christ! May the LORD, our God, bless you for your labor of love in Christ Jesus!
1. Daily strength and wisdom
2. Additional Church’s land
3. Beritah – medical check-ups are fantastic 4. Financial gift that came in for us just when we had medical needs.
1. Strength, and wisdom, and good health.
2. Beritah – complete healing
3. Need a new building for our Sunday school classes.
4. An increase in personal monthly financial support 5. Covid-19 Pandemic
In His Service,
Peter & Beritah Nilson, pastor
Tabernacle Baptist Church.