Dear Prayer Partners/Sponsors.
Shalom! The Peace of God be with you. I trust that this mail finds you well.
Strange times we are living in… coming into 2020, who would have imagined that things would turn out the way they have the world over? The COVID-19 is reorganizing our lives in a manner of speaking! We have all been affected one way or another. I mean really affected…We are becoming more aware that indeed our lives are just but a vapor, like the wind.. we are here now and gone the next. We cannot boast about tomorrow. Nobody knows tomorrow. As the Lord wills we shall do this or that. Our lives are in God’s hands. We are His and He is ours. God is sovereign over us, (2 Samuel 7:22). It is true. Let us believe it no matter what our eyes can see. “For the just of the Lord shall live by faith.”
One of the faith things that God has called us to is to believe is that He values us more than the birds of the air and all of nature put together. And therefore, do not worry.. about what you shall eat, drink, wear or your body. Even the pagans pursue those things. Our heavenly Father knows we have need of these things (see Matthew 6:258-34). So prioritize Him and His Kingdom and all the other things shall be added to you. Easy said than done!
Those words captured in Matthew 6: 25- 34, are what God gave me as He confirmed His call on my life to ‘Full time Ministry. I struggled… I was scared, as many of us might be with COVID-19 disrupting people’s lives. God reassured me that it was He that was going to take care of me, not anything I had put my confidence in till then. I have just been reminded of that over and over these past few months. Loss of lives, businesses closing, Jobs threatened or lost, Rents paid or not yet, threatened with eviction, funds diminishing in the banks, economies threatened or crushing, Governments overwhelmed, a definitely uncertain future.. If we remember Who is in control, how much He loves us and is committed to us and our future, we can choose not worry! He is taking care of business. We choose to believe Him. Let your heart not be troubled… (see John 16:33)
God is not a man that He should lie, or that He should change His mind. Does He speak and the not act? Does He promise and not fulfil? (see Numbers 23:19). God is with us during these times, doing a great work! Be encouraged.
- God’s faithfulness in all areas.
- God’s mercies, loving kindness and protection.
- God’s continued provision.
- Strong continued faith and trust in the Lord for us servants of God and the people we serve.
- Financial provision in this time of great need.
- For the many displaced people due to floods, joblessness, decease etc.
May God bless you for your faithfulness in praying, giving, inspiring and believing God to do great things through our partnership.
Concluding with the words of Psalm 91, God is indeed our dwelling, our Refuge. Pray that the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard the hearts and minds of our people through this difficult time. Amen
Pastor Kenneth.