Dear Prayer Partners,
On my trip last fall the Lord assured me, that He was not through with me. That was encouraging but how could it be when I was fighting exhausting. The more test that were taken, the more it seemed that I was fine but yet I was exhausted. The only thing many doctors found was poor circulation. Our family doctor was concerned and she went to work to fix it. After 3 weeks, there is a difference. Praise the Lord, I am to continue for 3 months on what she is giving me. And for one month I am taking what is called a Life Pak, it is a nutrition supplement, and extra strong vitamins. I have no trouble with sugar or cholesterol and my blood pressure is now well under control. With my circulation improved, muscular pains have lessened and the sore on my leg has now closed over. Some might say I have a new lease on life. I just thank all of you for praying and the Lord for His mercy and love for me.
I just celebrated my 78 birthday, the Lord has spoiled me so with His love, that I received 200 notes on face book from all over the world. My desire now is to use this renewed strength for His Glory, and not be foolish and try to push like I was only 50.
Plans for the 8th Ladies retreat are moving along. The 3 speakers and a cook are lined up. There are still a lot of things I cannot do. I need wisdom in seeking help and making plains. Please pray with me that what will be done will be to the Glory of my wonderful Lord.
After my computer died, I was able to get a note book. This still helps me to communicate. With it I have been able to console and encourage.
In this new year of 2020, may we find even more ways to serve our Wonderful Lord, until He comes.
Thanks again for your love, prayers and offerings,
In renewed Joy,
Flossie Abbott.