1st Report of the year 2020.
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
I would like to apologize for the delay in this report. I had a few small health problems (my eyes and chronic low back pain), glory to God, I’m a little better. Of course this cannot be an excuse. I would like to wish you all the best for the start of the year. My prayer is that the maximum number of people may be won over to Christ.
2019 ended on a high note. The Christmas and New Year celebrations went well in our various assemblies. The local church baptized a sister and two brothers.
Coming to the report, I will say that I ended 2019 with a report that I had been asked to do as manager of mission fields by management. I tried to describe the life of the churches and that of the pastors as well as the various supports from which we benefited.
I would like to come back to the construction of the Vavoua temple, which is experiencing a slight slowdown for lack of financial means. We need at least $ 4,000 to complete this temple. Pastor Matthias, his family, and those who are won to Christ are praying in the living room of his house. We very often helped them according to the means at our disposal.
At Divo level, we praise our God for the construction of a large courtyard. There too, the Bouaké church intervenes in support of the pastor and his family. We will raise the walls when God allows us to have the means.
The pastors in urgent need of land and temple are: Pacôme and Arsène. The first city prays in a garage which has become cramped when the second finds it difficult to pay the rent of the place of prayer.
The other two pastors Konan Antoine and Yao N’guessan are doing well. Although they each have a temple, they need support to open other mission fields and build temples. We rely on God.
The life of our churches evolves according to God’s plan as I have the habit of saying.
My requests:
1-pray for the growth of our different churches
2-pray for the completion of the temple of Vavoua and the raising of the walls around the courtyard of Divo (Guitry)
3-pray for pastors Pacôme and Arsène who are in great need of a place of prayer.
4-Pray for the local Bouaké church which makes every effort to support the mission fields of Vavoua and Guitry.
5-Pray for our annual evangelization and teaching programs developed by pastors who are members of IGM Côte d’Ivoire.
6-Pray for my visa application which has not yet known a happy outcome.
7-pray that God will provide for my financial needs. I have an old Mercedes (190) from 1992 which tires me a lot. Failing a new car, God give me the means to repair it. I use it to supervise churches.
8-Pray for the health and protection of our different families.
Finally, thank you to all of our partners for spiritual and financial support. May God bring healing to His servant Pastor James Arnold and to all those who suffer physically and emotionally.