Dear Financial and Prayer Partners,

We greet you through the unconditional love of Jesus Christ our Lord.

My family and I pause to say thank you for another year’s support. Truly, it has helped to keep us going in the ministry and in our personal lives. We continue to give God thanks and praise for what He hath done and continues to do.

I sincerely apologize for the delayed correspondence. This has been due to health issues. I underwent a series of tests and I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer for which I have been receiving treatment. We crave your continuous prayers in regards to my health. I am grateful to God that I am not confined to bed and I am still able to preach His Word. I do not know when the Lord is going to call me home but until that day, I will continue to do all I can for Him.

Please join us in praying for the ministry that those individuals who have recently started to attend church and are unsaved will commit their lives to the Lord.

May God continue to guide, protect, provide, and bless you.

In Christ, Serving with IGM,
The Greene Family