Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. III John 2
Happy New year 2019
Dear prayer partners and financial supporters.
We thank you for all your prayers and financial support through the year 2018
Family News
We made it safely the US on October 16th 2018 and we praise the Lord for Calvary Bible church and all of you who give to make this trip possible. May God bless you all. Our furlough has begun then and we seek some medical advice to check how is our health. Koffi went to see a cardiologist in UNC medical where they did an ECG and an ultra sound of the heart. These tests revealed that the heart is in good condition and that further exams are to be done to check on blood constants to determine if anything else is going on.
Samuel celebrated his birthday in October and Joshua came home for that occasion. We also celebrated Christmas together and it was a wonderful time to spend in family and enjoy mom’s delicacies. Koffi also begun to work on the rest of his courses in order to finish his Th.M. Samuel is 16 but almost as tall as his Dad. We are having fun on the road. Samuel get control of the GPS and sometimes he plays tricks on us when he forces his Dad to go to a different location he wants to go instead of where we are going, a different Walmart or chick fil a for example. This put Koffi off but as we now know that he always pushes to get what he wants, so we turn on the patience alert and this help us understand him better and get less frustration.
Ministry News
Christmas was celebrated in both churches and a New Year’s Eve gathering as well.
One of the surprises that happen in the church of Kove was that food was prepare for 30 people and more than 60 children and teens came. when asked who told them that a celebration would happen, they say they just knew it was going to happen. Fortunately, it was enough to feed everybody. This reminds me of how I went to the missionary’s house across the street from my Dad’s house as a teenager to eat cookies and drink cool aid. I was attracted by food and met Jesus. My prayers for these boys and girls are that these opportunities will be a time during which the Holy Spirit will touch their heart unto salvation.
In the church of Tamany, an open-door evangelistic outreach was done on December 14-15 but according to my knowledge no salvation decision was recorded. Concerning the church of Kove it was postponed because of the legislative vote in the country.
Dear friends, we would like to ask you to pray for out third church focus in my village of Togokome. When my mother became a believer in Jesus Christ, she gave a piece of Land and hoped that we will use it for church planting. This started when on of my brother moved from town to leave in the village, creating a new atmosphere for outreach. An average of 50 children gather every Sunday in three classes and are being taught the Word of God in our Dad’s home in the village. It is getting crowded and we think is it time to move out and use the land.
We have started reporting to our supporting churches and hopefully we will be able to see all of you before going back to Togo by the end of the year.
Praise the Lord for our safe travel to the US
Praise the Lord for our faithful supporters.
Praise the Lord for the ongoing ministry in Kove.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for the Lord’s guidance in our lives and ministry.
Please pray for good health.
Please pray for souls to be saved this year
Please pray for safe travel in the US
Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
Koffi, Elisabeth and Samuel Wodome